let's all go to the zoo.

Friday, August 31, 2012

We got up in the wee dark hours of the morning - 6 A.M.
got ready and headed to Abilene to get baby's mole checked out because where we live obviously sucks and the dermatologist DO NOT take new patients and the surrounding areas make you wait MONTHS to be seen. Come to find out he's A okay and we got a picture to keep track and we have another appointment in December.

Then we went to the ZOO! and it was fun and a short but awesome visit!
Afterwards we visited Dyess AFB, which is the other B-1 bomber base (our prior base was the other one Ellsworth AFB, SD) and I loved it! I miss the roar and sound of freedom over my head!

Then we went home and passed the heck out!


Hubby preordered Madden 13 and they gave him a gift card from Amazon to use on a Amazon item and I bought a tripod :) woo hoo future tripod  pictures

driving to Abilene as the sun was coming up

Waiting at the dermatologist.


The frugal part of me looked at stuff to do in Abilene and came across the visitor webpage and found a coupon for a BOGO fee and we only had to pay 5 whole bucks for my hubby and I and then we decided to rent a wagon for the little guy, my bag and his bag. 

I know this isn't a sunflower [sunflower-my FAVE flower] but it was so pretty I had to snap a shot of it!

Let me tell you that Texas sunshine was beating down on us that day!

This bridge was very steep but was worth the struggle to get up because the you could feed the giraffe (which we didn't because we didn't buy tokens) but you get pretty darn close to these begging  giraffes.

Hey there buddy!

See ya laters.

This by far was the best part of the zoo! You are face to face with this little cutie and I love monkeys. If you didn't know my little baby's theme for baby shower and room is monkey's because ever since hubby and I dated I called him monkey because he sorta looks like one teehee :)

Pretty sure baby loved it too!

Why? I don't know. We went into the creepy friken crawler section *shivers while I write and see this picture* and we passed the guy with a snake THREE times and he asked each time and finally hubby was like I am going to touch it was like okay I'll go stand over here HA! yikes I don't thinks so mister!

baby didn't really care... he was more worried about the guy because he does not like most boys/men.

Bye Abilene, it was a good tiring day!

Until next time. . . . .


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