amazing as ever

Friday, February 3, 2012

Life has been amazing since hubby has been home from his deployment.  Yes their has been getting use to another person in the house (that moves stuff without asking and makes mama mad) but it has been great having an extra helping hand with baby. So, lets catch you up on whats been going on. . . 

Baby has just discovered he can pick up and eat food which sometimes ends up with his fist in his mouth trying to get his snacks off his hand.  It is very entertaining and he can get about 70% of it gobbled up. 

Today, we almost got the whole collection of Yo Gabba Gabba completed (without Toodee). Baby threw Muno on the ground haha his favorite is Plex then Brobee. He adores this show (like sits there ignoring the world adore/obsessed).

Hubby finally got around to emptying out his footlocker and baby and I thought we would help but just ended up playing around and taking pictures and making more of a mess.

So, what a great day 01312012 was :)! I wake up to find hubby bought me Photoshop CS5 (which I only told him the night before I really wanted)!! I've been obsessing over it and trying to learn new things asap! Also, I put my big girl panties on and decided I should just TRY these brussel sprouts I got from my Bountiful Basket (look at earlier post to see what an amazing deal that is).  Little did I know brussel sprouts will rock your socks off! First, I just added some olive oil, onions, cut in quarters brussel sprouts, salt, and pepper and sauteed them and added some bacon (not even needed but who doesn't love bacon) and AMAZING!!! Never would I try that without the push of BB at my side. 

This is my amazing loving family that hubby and I created (some not literally I mean it's our doggies). I am testing my remote control for my camera so that is why I look so crazy haha, Lainey bug (yellow lab) is just bored out of her mind like shes so deprived, Cosmo (black lab/border collie) is posing like the model he is, and my hubby is in the kitchen grubbing on some sort of treat, and baby is munching on his snacks that he's pretty pro at.  Moments like these make me sit back and make me realize how grateful I am to have a family and one that loves me as much as I love them. 

Today we ventured out to Wall Drug (since I wanted to do a bit of sight seeing before we PCS'd) and it was not what I expected, but it was fun to do something out of the ordinary. I love just to spend time with the family doing the unknown and seeing where it takes us.

That is it for now, but stay tuned because tomorrow I get my next Bountiful Basket and this time I get to volunteer since hubby is home to take care of baby I can help out with this wonderful "business".

See you in the next post. . .


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