1 year old.
12 months.
where has it gone?

little girl was sick for the first time ever at the beginning of April with a virus | Easter Bunny gifts

My bunnies.

Easter 2015

Living in Paradise | Getting ready for daddy to come home for a bit

Nana's birthday dinner | Mila loves some yogurt

Making sure dada's truck A okay.

Mila got a teepee for her room | Beautiful sunset and 3 black hawks fly over after our mommy and me session

After our Mommy & me session

just waiting for our hunny/daddy to come home.

waiting on our guy | 7.5 months and it is so worth it to get our guy back!

Happy 1st Birthday Mila!

Just a girl and one of her dogs | Big brother playing in the water

She has us wrapped around her little finger

I'll have the ribs | daddy and daughter time

This girl.
You are 28 inches tall and 21 lbs and 14 oz
You have only been sick once so far and you don't have any teeth yet.
You are 12+ months strong nursing and eat soft and chewable foods. You are getting more of an appetite lately.
Your schedule is usually going to bed between 8-9 waking up some time between 2-6 and then sleeping till 8 or 9
- You can walk up to 5 steps when you were shy of 1 year but now, the day after daddy leaves back to his tour you have been walking all over the living room
- You can say dada, mama, baba, bubbles (which you like to whisper and is in reference to bubble guppies your fave show), and you mimic other words when said to you
- You have the softest cheeks and they are getting a little chubbier
- You have grown an attachment to Hello Kitty
- You also started using a paci you found and love to use it while in the car
- Whenever your brother laughs, you laugh, then he laughs, and etc
- You love french green beans
- You like to be bounced
- You like to test your self
- You love to climb onto things and show your accomplished face afterward
Until next time. . .