new shirt from old navy | she makes the funniest sounds

baby feet equals happiness | these two have my heart

when you stay up all night you pass out and look cute | cuties laying on a pillow

whatever you do, don't tell Mila no | hanging with cousin Jaxon

well, she can get on the chair | aren't they so adorable?!

dressed to impress | what?

Spider-Girl | Yard Helpers

Pool Day | Miss Independent

Day in the sun = nap on mommy | #momlife

tried the carrier on my back for the first time with her. She enjoyed it.

I mean can we just take a moment for all this cuteness!

11 month old Mila
I haven't got to weigh you yet but you are in 12 months clothes but you can still fit in some 9 month.
For the most part you are healthy but this past month you have had your fair+ share of allergies. Poor girl has just accepted she has to get nose wiped so many times a day.
You are still nursing, you like chicken, not so much beef, noodles, rice, bread, crackers, anything sweet, and love your Plum pouches.
You have slept through the nights a couple nights but usually you still wake up 1-2 times a night to nurse or play.
- YOU TOOK STEPS! usually 2-3 but the most is 5-6
- You can play peek a boo
- You can blow kisses
- You have the cutest wave
- You light up when Louis comes in the room
- You love to brush your... gums since you still have no teeth
- You love to swing the day away at the park
- You like to climb in Louis' chair even though you have the same one
- You got your tv in the car and love it
- You can not wait till your daddy comes home
- You only say mama when you need something otherwise its dada or some gibber jabber