Louis & Mila | Cutie in her Milk & Baby onesie and From Gabby's Closet mocs

Bath muggin | get out ALL the toys

Lainey & Mila | Spring Clothes

You are an adorable 22lbs.
Amazing. You had allergies for most of the month but the humidifier helped a bunch. You are such a healthy bundle of joy.
You love noodles and bread. You love sweet things and will try just about anything. You are still nursing strong and find comfort in it as well.
You are sleeping SO much better. You tend to sleep 5-10 hours straight depending on that day's events. You take two naps a day usually and you love falling asleep in your car seat and you stay asleep longer in it as well.
- You walk along everything
- You can hold your self up for about 5-7 seconds
- You took one step
- You do duck lips
- You can wave hi and goodbye
- You like to turn off the lights when you leave a room (with help)
- You love samples at Sam's Club
- You like to dump out anything in a container
- You pull everything off any shelf you can
- You love playing peek a boo
- If their is a tower of any sorts you have to knock it down
Until next time. . .