One and Two Month Favorites

Saturday, June 14, 2014

one  |  two  |  three  |  four  |  five

six  |  seven |  eight  |  nine

 ten  |  eleven

one  |  ten  - We are currently residing in Texas and moving to Florida next month and the tank tops during the day work so well since it is so hot already. It is also hot at night and baby girl gets warm fast so I've been letting her sleep in a plain onesie and blanket/swaddled.

two - I love this thing even though it is bulky. It keeps her safe and comfortable. She loves bath time so much and takes a nice sleep afterwards.

four  -  This is where she sleeps. We are moving next month and besides that I am not ready for her to be in a crib just yet. This is easy because she is secure and sleeping right next to me. Which makes it easy for those late night/early morning feeds.

three  |  five - I love the aden + anais brand because they are so soft and versatile. The swaddle wraps I've used for burp cloths, swaddling, light blanket, wipe up leaking milk (if you know what I mean), and many other scenarios.

six  |  eleven - We originally bought this car seat so we wouldn't have to switch later, but honestly it wasn't ideal for us. Mila was so small and it didn't sit well with me, her little self in this huge seat (even though she meets the requirements). So, I gave in and bought an infant car seat and I love it and can feel safe with her in it. I also bought these attachments, so I can put her new car seat in with my favorite stroller. This stroller glides like butter and is so easy to break down with one hand.

seven  - This machine is a life saver and milk saver! Mila wasn't fond and sometimes still isn't of nursing on the right side and I wanted to keep my milk supply up, so I have had to pump mainly on the right and it has helped me out so much! I love this pump and this is my second round of using it and it still has much life to it!

eight  - I love this little play mat because sometimes she just wants to lay down and she stretches and plays on this semi-quietly. 

nine  -  I wanted to stick with glass bottles as much as possible and I love these Life Factory bottles because I can use these later as sippy bottles.

These were all bought by us (except the stroller I won last year or given by family/friends for Mila) and our all our own 100% opinions.

Until next time. . .


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